The Association aims to bring together chemists, biologists, and clinicians to advance and promote methods of Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnostics. The Association is dedicated to the development of Photodiagnostics and Photodynamic Therapy in Russia through initiatives that include:

  • Organizing preclinical and clinical research
  • Securing grants
  • Hosting conferences, seminars, and other events
  • Conducting informational activities and publishing new research
  • Promoting information about medical and scientific companies
Here you will find 
all the foundational information about the RFA – its goals and objectives

About Us



Meet Our Founders and Leading Specialists
Learn the History of
the Development of Photodynamic Diagnostics (PD) and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

23-24 октября 2020 года в формате видеоконференции состоялся IХ Международный Конгресс "Фотодинамическая Терапия и Фотодиагностика".